Professor Zuyu Chen, PHD, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research

Department of Geotechnical Engineering

Address: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research

 20 West Chegongzhuang Road Beijing, China (PRC), 100044, PO Box 366.

Tel: 8610 68786976

Fax: 86 10 68786976

Biodata :Long Chen's Biodata - (Long Version) [PDF]



Dam Breach Analysis(DBA) (more...)

DBA is dedicated to earthen dam breach flood evaluation. It presents the following two spread sheets:

1. DB-IWHR for the calculation of dam breach hydrograph (download

2. DBS-IWHR for the analysis of lateral enlargement during dam breach (download


Slope analysis





1. Chen, Z., Ma, L., Yu, S., Chen, S., Zhou, X., Sun, P., and Li, X. (2015). “Back Analysis of the Draining Process of the Tangjiashan Barrier Lake.” J. Hydraul. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE) HY.1943-7900.0000965, 05014011.(download

2. Lin WANG, Zuyu CHEN, Naixin, WANG, Ping SUN, Shu YU, Shouyi LI, Xiaohu DU. Modeling lateral enlargement in dam breaches using slope stability analysis based on circular slip mode. Paper submitted to Engineering Geology for possible publication.(download


3.Yuejun Cai, Haiyun Cheng, Shuaifeng Wu, Qigui Yang, Jingming Hou, Lin Wang, Shu Yu, Yuesheng Lan, Songli Jin, Zuyu Chen. Breaches of the Baige Barrier Lake: Emergency response and back analysis of breach hydraulics.

4.Zuyu Chen, Qiang Zhang, Shujing Chen, Lin Wang, Xingbo Zhou. Evaluation of barrier lake breach flood: insights from recent case studies in China.



Further information available






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